Page 10 - Lanta Flat Belly Shake (Mike Banks) : Flip It & Read It
P. 10

Metabolic Burner 2: Panax Ginseng

             Next is an Asian herb called Panax Ginseng.
             Mick Jagger actually mixes Panax Ginseng in his water
             while performing to maintain his superhuman energy
             The guy ’s now in his 70s and as lean and {t as he was at
             27, all while touring the world doing huge live shows.

             He even fathered a child a couple of years back and he
             has the energy and virility of a man half his age.

             If you ever wondered what on earth Jagger ’s secret is –
             now you know.
             It’s Panax Ginseng.

             According to studies by Seoul National University in
             Korea, panax contains potent components called
             Ginsenosides which help block fat cell formation.
             So it works to prevent you getting fat all while increasing
             energy and focus
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